More than 100 years of experience
LSAqua is a young company who is developing sustainable alternatives to replace fishmeal from aquafeed diets by blending protein sources such as SCP, PAPs or vegetable proteins, where often the formula is adapted to customers’ needs. At LSAqua, we pursue innovative and sustainable solutions with a clear commitment to social responsibility and safety. We are also specialized in angling products and ornamental fish.
A little bit of history
Lambers-Seghers was originated from two separate companies, Voeders Lambers and Kwaliteit Seghers. Both companies shared the main objectives of delivering and offering high-quality personalized feed products. Therefore, it was logical that these two companies joined in the mid-1990s.

Since 1996 with the union of the companies, the production of the forage meal and pelletized feed has been centralized in Baasrode where nowadays is located the headquarters.
LSAqua Angling and ornamental
Eight years later, in 2004, Lambers Seghers Aquaculture (LSAqua) division was created, entering in angling and ornamental fish sectors. LSAqua believes that the use of fishmeal as a source of protein for hobby and recreation should be done in a more environmentally friendly way, and for this reason Lambers-Seghers Aqua started offering more sustainable alternatives.
At the beginning of 2009, a grow-out line was added for carp farms and maintenance of bream populations on angling ponds. Likewise, the same year, coccolite chalk (fossil rock that accelerates the organic sludge of bottom’s ponds) was set up in our product gamma for improving soil and water quality, fish health and higher growth.
LSAqua Aquaculture
Further diversification resulted in a number of successfully completed IWT feasibility and innovation studies in which three ‘new’ fish species were researched. From the researched species, the Omegabaars (“omega” perch) was chosen to scale it up to industry level. On October 2014, it was built in Kruishoutem the first Omegabaars nursery: a closed system of 2600 m2 and a production of 200 tons of Omegabaars which run at full capacity in two years.

Thenceforth, LSAqua has been the primary supplier of sustainable fish feed for Omegaperch, providing the entire nursery with high-quality feed. So, after Omegaperch (AQUA4C) success, LSAqua began to specialize in Aquaculture feed nutrition.
Several alternatives for fishmeal were developed for different species like shrimp, trout, sea bass, sea bream, carp, tilapia … launching the LSAqua SUSPRO (Sustainable Protein) a natural protein sources designed to be used in aquatic diets.
Additionally, and despite the Covid-19, in 2020, LSAqua factory was opened in Hooglede. The factory possesses the license for manufacturing and exporting to different European, and non-European countries, and it has been approved for handling Category 3 resources (processed animal by-products).