This month we would like to share with you some ideas extracted from the article “Suggested criteria for sustainable aquafeeds” written by the Dr. Albert G Tacon on the Aquafeed magazine:Vol 14 Issue 2 April 2022 based on the article: Albert G. J. Tacon, Marc Metian & Aaron A. McNevin (2022) Future Feeds: Suggested Guidelines for Sustainable Development, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 30:2,135-142, DOI:10.1080/23308249.2020.1860474.
- Sustainability implies to ensure resources for future generations, taking in consideration social and economical aspects
- Feed represents an essential element to determine the sustainability of any farming operation
- A sustainable process has to embrace the whole chain of feed production; from selection of raw materials until usage of feed.
- According to Dr. Tacon there are 4 levels to achieve major sustainability:
1. Feed formulation and feed ingredient selection
2. Feed manufacture and feed quality
3. On-farm feed use and impacts
4. Aquatic product quality and food safety